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Carolinas Resource Plan

Preparing for Growth and Prosperity in a Changing Energy Landscape

Our Carolinas Resource Plan is Duke Energy’s proposed roadmap for North Carolina and South Carolina – delivering a path to cleaner energy without compromising grid reliability, energy affordability or the energy demands of a growing region.

The utility industry is continuing its exit from coal in response to mounting pressures that threaten the long-term reliability of coal plants. Duke Energy’s new resource plan maps out how to replace these facilities in a manner that continues to provide economic benefit to the Carolinas.

The plan includes new resources and an increased reserve margin to facilitate jobs and investment while providing equal or greater reliability. Based on accelerating economic development in the two states, Duke Energy’s load growth is projected to surge by around 35,000 gigawatt-hours in the next 15 years – more than the annual electric generation of Delaware, Maine and New Hampshire combined. The resource plan proposes infrastructure investments of more than $90 billion to meet this need.

The plan balances traditional forms of dispatchable, on-demand resources (advanced nuclear, natural gas and pumped hydro storage) with a growing amount of complementary renewables that can deliver fuel-free energy. By targeting carbon neutrality by 2050, the plan will also help achieve customer sustainability goals, including those of the largest employers in both South Carolina and North Carolina.


The robust economic development success we are experiencing in the Carolinas continues to grow. Compared to the 2023 spring load forecast used to develop the 2023 Carolinas Resource Plan, the peak load growth in the updated 2023 fall load forecast has increased by approximately 2,000 megawatts. Given this unprecedented increase in projected load growth, Duke Energy provided regulators with supplemental modeling on Jan. 31, 2024 – please see the load growth fact sheet for more.

At a Glance

  • An all of the above strategy – to protect reliability for our customers and communities
  • Three core portfolios with 23 variations – all retire coal by 2035 and meet carbon neutrality by 2050
  • A “most reasonable, least cost” approach – emissions reduction at the lowest possible cost to customers

Learn More

2023 Carolinas Resource Plan:
Complete Document and Appendices

How the Plan is Developed

In the first half of 2023, Duke Energy continued engagement with stakeholders to discuss the development of these resource plans which represent an evolution from prior plans filed with regulators and shared with stakeholders. The information gathered throughout the stakeholder process was critical to informing the Carolinas Resource Plan. Over the course of four months, the companies held five engagement meetings on technical, complex issues involving resource planning. More than 100 individuals, representing a diverse group of attendees that included customers, environmental advocates, community leaders, and other industry representatives, attended these virtual sessions. This section contains all the presentation materials and Q&A from these engagement sessions.