Overhead Power Line Upgrades
and Replacement

Overhead Power Line Upgrades and Replacement
We are working hard to help improve reliability, reduce outages, strengthen the power grid against severe weather and prepare our system for the future.
Part of this work involves upgrading or replacing existing overhead power lines and constructing new ones in order to:
- Address reliability concerns
- Expand capacity to better serve a growing community
- Add smart, self-healing capabilities and automation
- Strengthen the line against outages and impacts
- Replace damaged or end-of-service lines and components
These grid improvements can help improve the customer experience, make the electric system more resilient and enable smarter, cleaner energy technologies.
We are committed to keeping you informed about work taking place in your community and what you can expect as a property owner. As part of this work, you may experience:
- Vegetation inspection and clearing, as needed, to allow safe access to equipment and support reliability improvement efforts
- Road closures and traffic flow changes during various phases
- Backlot access, as needed, to perform maintenance and upgrade overhead wires
- Weekend work is possible
- Emergent (unplanned) outages may occur due to safety measures and protective features put in place to protect our crews.
- Planned outages may also be required. Customers will be notified in advance should a temporary outage be necessary while crews work
- Construction equipment and work crews will be present in work areas around the community