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Beckjord Substation Expansion and Transmission Lines

Transmission Investments

Reliability is a responsibility that Duke Energy takes very seriously. We are dedicated toward modernizing, improving and upgrading the electric system to help meet the growing energy needs of our communities. As part of our commitment to provide reliable energy for homes, schools and businesses in Clermont County, Duke Energy is making reliability improvements to Beckjord Substation in New Richmond, Ohio. Planning activities for this construction will begin inside the substation during summer 2022.

These upgrades include expanding the substation yard to the south to accommodate two new 138-69-kilvolt (kV) transformers and other modernized equipment. Approximately 890 feet of new fencing will be installed to accommodate the expansion and to replace the existing fence. The fence will be expanding 100 feet to the south and 22 feet west.

Project Need

The Beckjord Substation expansion and upgrades will help support the community’s growing energy needs and reliability of the electric system in Clermont County. This project will lead to the retirement of Clermont Substation, which is too small to rebuild or reconfigure to address the community’s energy needs.

Project Description

Construction on the substation fence expansion is expected to begin in October 2022 and to be completed by the end of the year.

In addition to the fence expansion and installation of equipment inside the substation, Duke Energy will be raising a section of two 138-kV transmission lines to provide clearance for a 0.25-mile section of new 69-kV line to be looped into the new equipment inside the substation. The 69-kV transmission line relocation will involve adding 4 new steel poles and replacing a wood structure with a steel pole. This portion of the project also will add 1 steel pole to each of the 138-kV transmission lines. The new 138-kV poles have heights of 110 feet.

Construction on the transmission line portion of the project is planned to begin in October 2022 and to finish by the end of 2022.

Construction on retiring Clermont Substation is planned to begin in 2023, followed by restoring the property by removal of the old equipment, leveling the area and planting seed and straw.

Benefits to the Community

  • Helps provide additional capacity to continue delivering reliable electricity to address the area’s growing energy needs
  • Helps provide more flexibility for providing critical energy to communities in the region
  • Improves the company’s operational flexibility to reroute power during planned and unplanned outages, which can support restoration following extreme weather events
  • Maintains a robust system for supplying and delivering electric service, which helps promote continued economic growth for the region

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