Smart $aver®: Home Improvement Rebate Program

Home Improvement Rebates
Smart $aver home improvement rebates: make energy efficient upgrades and earn rebates.
How to earn Duke Energy rebates
Step One: Let’s get your project started
Once you've identified your upgrade project, use our contractor finder tool to find the right pro for the job. You’ll get connected with our trusted network of participating contractors.
Step Two: Make upgrades
After you've selected a contractor, he or she will perform the upgrades. Then once complete, enjoy greater year-round comfort and the lasting value that comes with energy efficiency.
Step Three: Choose your rebate method
Your contractor will complete and submit the application on your behalf. You have the option of receiving a physical card in the mail or a digital Mastercard® that can be added to your virtual wallet.
Select your Duke Energy rebate
Find a contractor or join our network.
Need a home repair contractor?
Backed by Duke Energy, Find It Duke is a FREE referral service that will connect you with industry-certified pros.
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