Electric Vehicles (EVs)

EV Education
It's easy and convenient to drive an electric vehicle (EV).
Benefits of Electric Cars
Electric vehicles (EVs)* have improved considerably over the past few years and with these improvements, their benefits have grown as well. Not only are they cleaner for the planet and environment, but they help save on fuel and maintenance costs. Today’s models can drive farther on a single charge and have impressive speed and performance. Several options can go from zero to 60 mph in a few seconds. And best of all, prices have come down, making EVs an affordable option for nearly everyone.
*Electric vehicle refers to cars that plug in.
Electric Vehicle Savings Calculator
Use this EV Fuel Savings Estimator to calculate your potential fuel savings from driving an EV.
How many miles do you drive daily?
Daily miles driven
Miles per gallon
Gas price
Monthly Gas Cost
Monthly Utility Cost
Monthly Savings
Monthly Savings
*Significant additional savings can come from a reduction in maintenance costs as EVs do not require oil changes and have far fewer moving parts.
Explore more about EVs
Benefits of EVs
Electric cars are better for the planet and can help you save on fuel and maintenance costs.
Charging your EV
There are three types of chargers with varying speeds in market. You can charge at home, in public or on the road.
Choosing your EV
There are new models of EVs in market every day. Choose from midsize, minivans, SUVs and even trucks.
Duke Energy EV Initiatives
We’re working to help increase access to EV charging, research how it affects the grid, and help electrify fleets.
Electric Vehicle Tax Credits
See legislation updates and eligibility for clean vehicle tax credits and incentives.
Duke Energy is not affiliated with the manufacturers or vendors, does not expressly or implicitly warrant the performance of the products and is not liable for any damage caused by these products or for any damage caused by the malfunction of these products. Any non-Duke Energy logo or trademark is owned by its respective manufacturer or its assignee. Duke Energy, 400 South Tryon Street, Charlotte, NC 28202.