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Third Party Notification

At Duke Energy, we recognize that sometimes people may not pay their monthly utility bill. The reasons are many – travel, illness, hospitalization, first-time bill payer and sometimes people just forget. That's why we have designed programs like Third-Party Notification to serve as a safety net to help prevent utility service interruptions for nonpayment.

Under this program, Duke Energy will send a copy of your Duke Energy bill each month to a designated third party. The third party may be a relative, friend, neighbor, agency or anyone the customer chooses. And, while the third party is not responsible for paying the bill, he/she may be able to help arrange for payment – helping prevent disconnection of service. Since our customers' records are confidential, both you and the party to be notified must agree to this program.

Third-Party Notification is a free service and may be set up by the customer, or by a concerned third party with the customer’s permission. This service provides assurance that someone will be able to see if your account becomes past due. And it is an ideal way for a third party to have the peace of mind that he/she will be notified if someone they care for needs a little help.

While Duke Energy will send a copy of your Duke Energy bill each month to the designated third party, the customer and third party agree that Duke Energy will incur no liability for failure of the third party to receive the requested notification.

Customers who are enrolled in our Paperless Billing & Payment are not eligible to participate in this program.

Two ways to enroll