Indiana 2013 IRP Stakeholder Engagement
Duke Energy Indiana has established a stakeholder engagement process to inform our 2013 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) in compliance with the proposed Commission IRP rule. Duke Energy Indiana has hired Dr. Marty Rozelle of The Rozelle Group, Ltd. to help design and facilitate the IRP stakeholder engagement process. She is an independent public participation specialist who regularly works with companies, government agencies, and local communities on stakeholder outreach activities.
Duke Energy Indiana has four main objectives for this stakeholder engagement process.
- Listen: Understand concerns and objectives.
- Inform: Increase stakeholders' understanding of the IRP process, key assumptions, and challenges we face.
- Consider: Provide a forum for productive stakeholder feedback at key points in the IRP process to inform Duke Energy Indiana's decision-making.
- Comply: Comply with the proposed Commission IRP rule.
Advisory Process Overview
Duke Energy Indiana will seek participants' feedback throughout the IRP development process. At the core of the process is a series of four workshops.
Meeting Materials
Integrated Resource Plan Overview
Duke Energy Indiana filed its 2013 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) for the State of Indiana with the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission on Nov. 1, 2013. This plan, a 20-year forecast required by the Commission, outlines how we will serve our existing and future customers in a reliable and economic manner. Duke Energy Indiana uses the resource planning process to identify the best options to serve customers' energy and capacity needs in the future. As reference, the 2013 Duke Energy Indiana's IRP is available for download in Related Links above.