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Submitting Standard Rates

For consolidated rate-ready billing, Duke Energy Ohio will compute the supplier's charges based upon the supplier's rate schedule and the customer's meter data, and will send a single bill to the customer. Suppliers who choose the consolidated rate-ready billing option must furnish specific rate information to Duke Energy Ohio by submitting an email to with the appropriate standard rate information. Duke Energy Ohio defines a standard rate as a fixed price per CCF for a given billing month.

After receiving the email with all of the rate information, Duke Energy Ohio will enter rate codes with the appropriate prices into its billing system and send the supplier a notification of the rate code name and corresponding price. Duke Energy Ohio will reject any enrollment request containing a rate code that is not in its billing system. A supplier may only assign one rate code to an account.


  • Each supplier may have up to 25 actively billed rate codes in Duke Energy Ohio's billing system at no cost.
  • Additional actively billed rate codes will be provided by Duke Energy Ohio for a fee set forth in Sheet No. 45 of Gas Tariff No.18.
  • Each supplier is limited to a total of 80 actively billed rate codes in Duke Energy Ohio's billing system.
  • When a supplier requests a new rate code, Duke Energy Ohio will notify the supplier of the rate code name which will consist of two letters followed by two numbers (e.g., AA01).
  • Suppliers may submit price changes monthly for no more than 40 of their rate codes.
  • Prices must be expressed in dollar and cent format per CCF (e.g., $0.50 per CCF).
  • Price changes for existing rate codes and prices for new rate codes must be submitted no later than the 25th day each month for bills rendered during the next billing month.
  • Any price changes submitted during the remainder of a month following the 25th day will not be effective until bills rendered during the second billing month subsequent to the submission.

If Duke Energy Ohio inaccurately applies the usage information to the rate approved by the supplier, the supplier must notify Duke Energy Ohio immediately and Duke Energy Ohio will make a correction in a succeeding billing period. If Duke Energy Ohio makes an error, such as a misread meter, under the consolidated billing option, Duke Energy Ohio will correct the error and send a revised bill.

Each supplier will assume responsibility for all erroneous bills when the rates do not reflect the desired pricing of the supplier. The supplier is responsible for all adjustments with their end-use customers, Duke Energy Ohio will not cancel and rebill due to supplier error. Each supplier will resolve all end-use customer/supplier rate disputes.