Relicensing the Keowee-Toxaway Project
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) granted the Keowee-Toxaway Project a 50-year license in 1966 that expired in 2016. The Federal Power Act requires nonfederal hydroelectric projects to relicense after the original license expires, with the new license being granted for 30-50 years.

Duke Energy began relicensing of the Project officially in 2010 and utilized FERC’s Integrated Licensing Process (ILP). The ILP allowed input from a stakeholder team that brought together state, federal and local agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), as well as interested citizens, to participate in the development of protection, mitigation and enhancement measures (PMEs) for the Project. This stakeholder group also produced a Relicensing Agreement (RA) to balance competing interests in the basin by promoting environmental and recreation resource enhancements while preserving renewable power resources for the region. Additionally, this allowed Duke Energy to work directly with the Army Corps of Engineers (COE) and Southeastern Power Administration (SEPA) to develop a New Operating Agreement (NOA) to provide more operational flexibility and improved water management within the Savannah River Basin.
On August 14, 2014, Duke Energy filed its New License Application with FERC to continue operating the Keowee-Toxaway Project. On March 28, 2016, FERC issued its Final Environmental Assessment (FEA) for the Keowee-Toxaway Project. In August of 2016, Duke Energy received a new 30 year operating license from FERC.
Relicensing Agreements
The Keowee-Toxaway Relicensing Stakeholder Team consists of representatives of local, state and federal resource agencies, Native American tribes, non-governmental organizations, the public and Duke Energy. The Stakeholder Team began its efforts in 2009 and culminated with the signing of the RA on September 13, 2013. Conditions of the RA provide measures that give equal consideration to both power and non-power benefits such as water quality, water supply, cultural resources, recreation, fish and wildlife habitat enhancement and protection.
Highlights of the RA provide for PM&E measures for:
- Coordination of downstream water releases and lake level management with the COE downstream Hartwell Hydroelectric Project through the NOA and Low Inflow Protocol for conservation of water resources during drought conditions
- Implementation of a Habitat Enhancement Program within the KT watershed funded by Duke Energy and Lake Use Applicant Fees designed to provide opportunities for fish and wildlife improvement initiatives designed to protect and enhance aquatic and terrestrial habitats
- Improvements to existing public access areas on both Lake Jocassee and Lake Keowee as well as the installation of new recreation-related facilities at various locations
- Conservation of approximately 2,900 acres of Duke Energy property adjoining the lakes to preserve and protect ecologically and culturally significant resources
- Shoreline stabilization projects to protect islands within Lake Keowee
Contact Us
For more information about the Keowee-Toxaway Project relicensing you can contact Alan Stuart by phone at 980.373.2079 or by email at
The mailing address is:Mr. Alan Stuart
525 S. Tryon St.
Charlotte, NC 28202