What is a Right of Way?

What is a right of way?
It allows a utility the right to use, access or transit the property.
A right of way is a type of easement or agreement that grants a utility the right to use, access or transit a piece of property according to the terms of the easement. This easement is typically granted by property owners to an electric utility for the purpose of constructing, operating and maintaining power lines and other equipment. Before a power line is built, we acquire easements from property owners along the selected route as necessary.
We have obtained easements and agreements with local communities and property owners that allow us to build and maintain our power lines.
Easement rights include managing trees and other vegetation, either inside or outside the easement, that pose a threat to the reliability of the electric system. Easement rights also include keeping the right of way free and clear of encroachments and obstructions.
We must constantly work to balance aesthetic concerns with our responsibility to provide a reliable electric system for the millions of households and businesses that depend on us.
Rights of way and other easements vary in size and have different usage and maintenance guidelines, based on the voltage and type of line.
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For additional information, select the type of right of way
Transmission Lines
Transmission Lines
Distribution Lines
Distribution Lines