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Yadkin-Pee Dee

in copy yadkin tillery plant

Yadkin-Pee Dee Hydro Project

(Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments)

Duke Energy Progress owns and operates the Yadkin-Pee Dee Hydro Project, located on the Yadkin-Pee Dee River in central North Carolina. The project consists of the Tillery Development and the Blewett Falls Development, which have licensed capacities of 91.8 and 24.2 megawatts (MW), respectively. Duke Energy Progress filed an application to relicense the project on April 30, 2006. FERC issued the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the project during April 2008.

The new license for the Yadkin-Pee Dee Hydro Project was issued by FERC on April 1, 2015. Receipt of the new license allows Duke Energy Progress to implement protection, mitigation and enhancement (PM&E) measures that will result in benefits to the community and environment. PM&E measures include:

  • Continuous minimum flow releases and improvements in the quality of water released from both hydroelectric stations to support and enhance the aquatic habitats
  • Coordination with APGI’s upstream Yadkin Hydroelectric Project through a low inflow protocol for conservation of water resources during drought conditions
  • Installation of fish passage facilities to re-establish historical populations of migratory fish species (American shad and blueback herring) in the Yadkin-Pee Dee River upstream of the hydroelectric stations
  • Improvements to all of the existing public access areas on both Lake Tillery and Blewett Falls Lake as well as the installation of three new recreation-related facilities
  • Seasonal scheduled flow releases from the Tillery Plant to support recreation use
  • Conveyance of approximately 1,600 acres of land to the state of North Carolina and establishment of conservation easements and restrictive covenants on Duke Energy property adjoining the lakes to preserve and protect ecologically and culturally significant resources

Project Description

The primary purpose of the Yadkin-Pee Dee Hydro Project is to provide peaking and load-following generation for Duke Energy. Located in the Uwharrie Lakes region in North Carolina's Central Piedmont, the project area is characterized by forested rolling hills and open rural farmland, accentuated by one of the oldest mountain ranges in North America – the Uwharrie Mountains. The scenic and tranquil characteristics of this area provide a wide range of recreational activities including hiking, horseback riding, boating, fishing, camping, swimming, picnicking, mountain biking and off-road vehicle access.

The Yadkin-Pee Dee Hydro Project includes the Tillery and Blewett Falls developments, which have operated safely and reliably for over 90 years.


The Tillery Hydroelectric Development is located in Montgomery and Stanly counties, approximately 4 miles west of Mount Gilead, N.C. Construction of the Tillery Development began in 1926, and the power plant was placed into service in 1928. The powerhouse contains four vertical shaft turbines. The Tillery impoundment, also known as Lake Tillery, extends upstream to the tailrace of the Falls Development powerhouse, which is owned and operated by Cube Yadkin Generation LLC (Cube Yadkin). River flows into Lake Tillery are largely controlled by the schedule of upstream releases from Cube Yadkin's four-development Yadkin Project.

Blewett Falls

The Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Development is located in Richmond and Anson counties, approximately 6 miles west of Rockingham, N.C. The Blewett Falls Dam is located approximately 17 miles north of the North Carolina-South Carolina state line. The powerhouse contains six horizontal shaft turbines. The Blewett Falls impoundment, also known as Blewett Falls Lake, extends approximately 11 miles upstream from the dam. Construction of the Blewett Falls Development began in 1905 and was completed in June 1912.

Relicensing and Related Documents

Below, you’ll find links to the primary relicensing documents for the Yadkin-Pee Dee Hydro Project.

Contact Us

For more information about the Yadkin-Pee Dee Hydro Project relicensing you can contact Michael Abney by phone at 980.373.0435 or by email at

The mailing address is:
Michael Abney
525 South Tryon Street
Charlotte, NC 28202

Media inquiries should be directed to Duke Energy's 24-hour media information line: 800.559.3853 (800.559.DUKE).

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