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Water Recreation Safety

Before you go for a swim or boat ride in any lake, refresh your memory with some important safety reminders:
  • Keep clear of power lines that cross the lake at several points. Contact with or arcing from these lines can be very dangerous. Lake levels can fluctuate due to power generation and weather conditions, and it’s difficult to determine the exact clearance of these power lines — particularly with sailboats.
  • Stay 300 feet away from the upstream and downstream sides of dams and powerhouses.
  • When fueling up, turn off electrical equipment and do not smoke.
  • Do not enter the area directly below a hydroelectric station — also known as the tailrace. These areas are prone to a sudden rise and violent turbulence in the water. A flashing red beacon and/or sounding of a horn will alert you of this condition.
  • Obey local and state boating laws.
  • Wear a life jacket while recreating on lakes and rivers.

Additional safety resources available to download:

Algal Bloom Reports and Information

North Carolina - NCDEQ Fish Kill and Algal Bloom Report Dashboard

South Carolina - SCDHEC Harmful Algal Bloom

Boater Safety Important Contacts

North Carolina

N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission

South Carolina

S.C. Department of Natural Resources

U.S. Coast Guard

Boating Safety Information: 800.368.5647
Boating Safety Classes: 800.336.2628

Duke Energy Lake Services - Carolinas

Lake Services
800.443.5193 or 704.382.8086