Tree Trimming Request
How to Request Tree Trimming & What to Expect
1. Check the affected line
Based on the graphic below, determine the type of line impacted by a tree or vegetation.
2. Submit your request
If appropriate, submit a tree trimming request online.
3. We'll follow up
We'll follow up within 10 business days. A vegetation management professional will evaluate your request.
When Should I Make a Tree Trimming Request?
Before you send us a tree trimming request, it's important to first make sure that a primary power line is affected by the tree. Here is information that can help you identify primary power lines.

Determine the type of line impacted by a tree or vegetation in the image above and find more information below on next steps.
1. Primary power lines
Primary power lines are subject to tree trimming requests. If the tree poses a risk to the reliability of primary power lines, submit a request and we'll follow up with you within 10 business days. If a tree has fallen onto a primary power line, this may represent an emergency. Contact us by phone and we'll dispatch personnel to evaluate the power lines and equipment.Make a Tree Trimming Request
Ready to make a tree trimming request? Get started here by completing a request form. Please make sure your contact information is up to date on your account before you begin your request.