Go Renewable

Support Renewable Energy
With Go Renewable, you can contribute to a cleaner energy future.
Easy & Affordable
You can support renewable energy in blocks of 250 kWh (kilowatt-hours). Each block you support will add $4 to your monthly bill.
Future Focused
Because you are supporting renewable energy, you are helping to promote cleaner energy one block at a time.
Locally Impactful
For each block of renewable energy you support, 50 cents will be donated to support solar installation and education at NC K-12 schools through NC GreenPower.
How does it work?
1. Enroll Today
Enroll in Go Renewable at any block amount.
2. Pay a Little Extra
Pay a little extra on your electric bill each month ($4 per block).
3. Support Renewables
Each $4 block supports renewable energy generation.
4. No Installation
There is no installation and no paperwork necessary.
Calculate Your Estimated Cost
Go Renewable Resource Mix
5% Biomass
5% Wind
90% Solar
Frequently Asked Questions
- Renewable energy certificates (RECs) are used to track renewable energy from the point of generation to a purchaser of green energy. Each REC represents 1 megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity generated from renewable energy sources (like solar, wind, biomass or hydro) that displaces electricity on the grid that would otherwise come from traditional sources (like oil and coal). Learn more about how RECs help make green energy possible.
- As a Duke Energy customer, you can purchase "blocks" of renewable energy certificates (RECs) through the program. Each block represents 250 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of renewable energy and costs $4 per month. Go Renewable has a one-block minimum purchase of $4 per month, supporting enough renewable energy to offset the emission of almost 400 pounds of carbon dioxide per month into the atmosphere. Taxes will be calculated separately on your bill.
- Whether you’re a homeowner, renter, apartment dweller or business owner, anyone in North Carolina who pays a Duke Energy electric bill can participate in the program. You do need to have good financial standing, such as not having a currently past-due bill.
- Your participation shows that you are concerned enough about improving the environment to participate in a voluntary program. It gives you the opportunity to take an active role in preserving the environment for future generations through the purchase of renewable energy credits (RECs).
- Not a problem. You can participate in both programs. Signing up will not interfere with the program in which you are already enrolled. Your block purchase will simply be added to your monthly billing amount.
- No, the program fee is not tax deductible for income tax purposes. The money is used to purchase renewable energy certificates (RECs) on your behalf that match your participation level. Also, 50 cents per block will be donated to the NC GreenPower Solar+ Schools program. Click here to learn more about NC GreenPower and its Solar+ Schools program.
- Buying RECs through the program does not mean that green energy is being delivered straight from the source to your home. However, it does mean that more of the electricity on the electric system is coming from new or existing alternative generation sources rather than from traditional generation, like coal.
Renewable energy sources are energy sources that can be replaced or grown within a relatively short period of time. Renewable sources capture their energy from existing natural processes such as sunshine, wind, flowing water, biological processes and geothermal heat flows. These power-production processes are emission-free or reduce the emission of greenhouse gases (e.g., methane).
Wind – Wind energy is produced by a wind turbine with its rotating blades that harness the wind’s kinetic energy. Wind turbines contain generators that harness the mechanical energy from the spinning blades to generate electricity.
Hydroelectric – A hydroelectric power station utilizes water flow to power a turbine. The turbines are connected to generators that produce energy. Today, hydroelectric power generates 20% of the world’s electricity.
Solar – Solar energy is made by cells that convert sunlight to electricity without any moving parts. The conversion of sunlight into electricity is made possible thanks to the special properties of semi-conducting materials.
Coal mine methane – Coal mine methane is created when coal is formed and is released when coal is mined. It is found in active and abandoned mines, where it is capable of entering the atmosphere through vents (active mines) and improperly sealed vents/entrances (closed mines). Some of the mine methane is tapped from mines and used in generators, which reduces the amount that escapes into the atmosphere (methane is 21 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than CO2).
Landfill gas – More than 50% of the waste we generate ends up in landfills, where it decomposes and produces landfill gas. Landfill gas is approximately 50% methane, a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to global climate change, and 45% carbon dioxide. Methane is a renewable energy source that can be collected and used to fuel electric generators. This method of producing renewable energy is regarded as one of the most successful. At large landfills, the gas must be burned anyway in order to reduce the hazards arising from gas buildup.
Biomass – Biomass is produced when organic wastes, such as trees, wood waste and agricultural residues decay. Landfills offer a primary source of biomass. It can be converted to fuel through combustion for the generation of electricity.
- The electricity generated from the renewable resources is put into the overall power-supply grid along with electricity from all our other resources. Much like water or natural gas, it isn't possible to differentiate the sources at your home. By choosing to enroll, you are supporting the environment and helping to increase the proportion of renewable energy that is available to the entire system.
- Although renewable energy sources are often free, the technology used to capture the energy produced is more expensive than traditional power generation. Renewable energy generation is still being developed nationwide. Prices vary according to availability and the type of renewable power produced. As the new technologies improve, the costs of producing electricity using renewable resources will become more competitive. Increasing demand for green energy will lead to expanded production capabilities, which will ultimately lead to lower costs.
- At Duke Energy, we recognize the importance of sustainability. While our generation mix includes some renewable energy, we want to offer our customers a convenient, accessible, and affordable choice to support as much renewable energy as they would like.
- After the minimum one-block REC purchase supporting 250 kWh of renewable energy, you can purchase as many additional 250-kWh blocks of RECs as you like.
- Each block costs $4 and represents 250 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of an REC. To calculate how many program blocks you need to equivalently support your home’s electricity usage, simply take your monthly kWh usage found on your Duke Energy bill and divide that by the 250-kWh block size. Then multiply that number of blocks by $4 for your total monthly REC block purchase. For example: Based on an average monthly usage of 1,000 kWh, divide 1,000 by the 250-kWh block size to get four blocks. Multiply the four blocks by $4/block for a total monthly REC purchase of $16.
- To remain a participant, you must purchase at least the one-block (250-kWh) REC minimum of $4 a month. You can add or subtract blocks at any time by calling 866.233.2290.
- Your personal support does make a difference! Every block purchased through the program promotes the use of environmentally friendly green energy, thereby reducing the dependence on fossil fuels to generate energy. Your support of this renewable energy has a greenhouse benefit that is similar to removing cars from the road or planting acres of forest, depending on your monthly purchase size. The environmental benefit of each minimum monthly purchase is about the same as not driving a car 500 miles.
- The money from this program will be used to purchase RECs and support the program's marketing and administration expenses. Duke Energy will make purchases from new and existing environmentally friendly sources as they become available.
- You will receive semi-annual reports specifying the program sales and amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) offset by the program. In addition, Duke Energy will supply annual program updates to the North Carolina Public Service Commission.
- Participation is voluntary. There are no cancellation fees. You may withdraw from the program at any time with 30 days’ notice.
- We recognize that supporting green energy is not for all customers. However, many customers have expressed interest in purchasing RECs associated with energy generated from environmentally friendly sources. Since renewable energy is typically more expensive than fossil fuel generation, Duke Energy has chosen to introduce this as a voluntary program. Customers interested in supporting clean, renewable energy sources through the purchase of RECs can choose the level of support that’s right for them without impacting the rates of traditional customers.
- No, Duke Energy does not profit from the program. Program participation fees go directly toward the purchase of RECs and program administration.
- Duke Energy is taking several measures to do our part in creating a sustainable energy future while working to reduce our carbon footprint. Efforts include reducing our carbon emissions, building more efficient power plants and developing robust energy efficiency programs. We also support state and federal energy policies that encourage market-based controls of greenhouse gas emissions and the development of new, cleaner technologies. Together, these initiatives will allow Duke Energy to continue to help meet our customers’ energy needs in an environmentally sound manner.