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Go Renewable Resources (Product Content Label)

2025 Prospective Product Content Label1

Green-e® Energy Certified New2 Renewables in Go Renewable

Go Renewable is a renewable energy certificate (REC) product and does not contain electricity. A REC represents the environmental benefits of 1 megawatt-hour (MWh) of renewable energy that can be paired with electricity. For more information, see

Go Renewable is sold in blocks of 250 kilowatt-hours (kWh).

Customers can match 100% of a traditional home's electricity usage by purchasing 4 blocks.

In 2025, Go Renewable is projected to be made up of the following renewable resources.

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  1. These figures reflect the renewables that we have contracted to provide. Actual figures may vary according to resource availability. We will annually report to you before August 1 of each year in the form of a Historical Product Content Label the actual resource mix of the RECs you purchased. The prospective product mix will also vary on an annual basis.
  2. New Renewables come from generation facilities that first began commercial operation within the past 15 years. This product may include generation from a facility that is approved under a strict set of criteria as repowered or generation from a facility that is approved for extended use by Green-e® Energy.

For comparison, the current average mix of resources supplying the Duke Energy North Carolina customers includes: Natural Gas (33.4%), Nuclear (52.9%), Coal (9.3%), Hydro (1.3%), Solar (1.9%), Oil (< 1%) and Other (< 1%) [Duke Energy 2022 data].

The average home in North Carolina uses 1,039 kWh per month [U.S. Energy Information Administration 2020 data].

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