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Duke Energy Florida, LLC Green Bonds

Duke Energy Florida, LLC

Duke Energy Florida, LLC issues green bonds and sustainability bonds to finance or refinance new and existing projects that have environmental and/ or social benefits.

Green Bonds

The green bonds issued by Duke Energy are used to fund projects that lessen our environmental impact and make our industry more sustainable. For example, the bonds help us invest in more renewable energy, and develop innovative green energy projects, like new battery storage solutions.



Settlement Date

Maturity Date

Net Proceeds/ Allocated

November 2019 Green 10-yr Bond 2644HAH4 11/26/2019 12/1/2029 $695.1M/ $695.1M*
*as of 5/31/22  

Prospectus Supplement
Independent Accountant's Report
Management's Assertion Regarding Disbursements

Estimated Impact Summary

  November 2019 Green 10-yr Bond
Net Proceeds $695,100,000      

Environmental Impacts

  Annual Mwh EPA Factor (rounded) Metric Tons CO2  
CO2(MT) Reduced from Atmosphere 1,180,000 0.43 510,461
  Annual Mwh EPA Factor (rounded) Homes Powered  
Homes Powered Per Year 1,180,000 0.05 64,299

Sustainability Bonds

Sustainability bonds issued by Duke Energy are used to fund projects that make our industry more sustainable. For example, the bonds help us invest in grid enhancements and expanding renewable energy integration.



Settlement Date

Maturity Date

Net Proceeds/ Allocated

December 2021 Sustainability 10-yr Bond 26444HAK7 12/02/2021 12/15/2031 $646.1M / $646.1M*
December 2021 Sustainability 30-yr Bond 26444HAL5 12/02/2021 12/15/2051 $493.4M / $493.4M*
*As of 9/30/2023.

Prospectus Supplement
Independent Accountant's Report
Management's Assertion Regarding Disbursements

Estimated Impact Summary

  December 2021 Sustainability Bond 10-yr / 30-yr
CUSIP 26444HAK7 / 26444HAL5
Net Proceeds $1,139,492,500

Environmental Impacts

Expected CO(MT) Reduced 647,161 metric tons
Avoided Customer Minutes of Interruption
(includes Major Event Days and Non-Major Event Days)
2020: 18,939,349
2021: 16,999,100
2022: 231,814,689
*2023: 32,994,454

*as of 11/30/2023