Gas Suppliers
Information for retail gas suppliers
- Participation Requirements
Registration & Credit Application
Gas Supplier Collateral Requirements
Gas Supply Aggregation/Customer Pooling Agreement
Purchase of Receivables Agreement
Submitting Standard Rates
Supplier Billing Options
Request for List of Eligible Customers
Meter Reading Schedule
Links to Rates & Tariffs
Monthly Gas Cost Changes
Contact Information
Firm Transportation Gas Supplier Presentations
Gas EDI Guidelines
Gas Flat File Layout
CRNGS Portal Quick Start Guide
Retail Gas Supplier Portal (Username and password required) The PUCO, Ohio utilities and interested stakeholders have adopted Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) as the standard electronic communication method for exchanging data between utilities and certified suppliers. EDI is the standard communication method between the certified supplier and Duke Energy Ohio for end-use customer enrollment, drop, reinstate, change, billing, payment, account maintenance, transfer of usage information and other business transactions.
What Is EDI?
EDI is the electronic exchange of business information in a standard format between certified suppliers and Duke Energy Ohio. For customer choice, certified suppliers and Duke Energy Ohio will communicate through EDI for end-use customer enrollments, drops, billing, payments, account maintenance, transfer of usage information and other business transactions. EDI transactions are designed to automate and streamline the typical repetitive business transactions that occur between Duke Energy Ohio and a certified supplier. EDI has its own set of terms that are specific to EDI. A list of these terms and specific definitions can be found in Appendix C: Detailed EDI Information.
What Is a Trading Partner?
For customer choice, Duke Energy Ohio and certified suppliers are trading partners. Certified suppliers must have a signed Trading Partner Agreement in order to transact business directly with Duke Energy Ohio using EDI. For the EDI Trading Partner Agreement Form, see Appendix E: Registration and Participation Forms.
How Does EDI Work?
EDI passes data from Duke Energy Ohio's systems to the certified supplier's systems via North American Energy Standard Board (NAESB) Electronic Delivery Mechanism (EDM) data transport protocols using transaction sets and EDI translators.
- The EDI translator is software used to translate data to a corporate proprietary format and vice versa.
- A Transaction Set is the EDI term used for a business document. Duke Energy Ohio uses transaction set guidelines established by the Ohio EDI Working Group (OEWG). Members of the OEWG include representatives from the PUCO, Ohio utilities, electric suppliers and the EDI service providers. These guidelines provide a standard methodology for conducting business in an electronic environment in Ohio.
Summary of EDI Transactions Sets
The business transaction sets between Duke Energy Ohio and the certified supplier are:
- Ohio814E Enrollment/Historical Usage Request
An enrollment request is used for Duke Energy Ohio to process an end-use customer’s request for electric service from a specific certified supplier. A certified supplier may also request historical usage separate from the enrollment process. A request for historical usage notification (Ohio814E for history) is used.
- Ohio814C Change Request
The change request is used for Duke Energy Ohio to notify a certified supplier of a change in end-use customer information. The change request is also used by a certified supplier to notify Duke Energy Ohio of a change in certain end-use customer information.
- Ohio814D Drop Request
The drop request is used by a certified supplier to notify Duke Energy Ohio that it is discontinuing supply services to an end-use customer. In this case, Duke Energy Ohio will return the end-use customer to standard service offer, provided there have been no enrollment requests received from other suppliers. The drop request is also used by Duke Energy Ohio to process an end-use customer’s request to return to a previous supplier or to standard service offer. When Duke Energy Ohio receives an enrollment from a new supplier, Duke Energy Ohio will send a drop request to the existing supplier. Duke Energy Ohio will also use a drop request when it disconnects service to an end-use customer served by a certified supplier. If the end-use customer wishes to select another certified supplier, they must contact that certified supplier.
- Ohio814R Reinstate Request
Duke Energy Ohio will use this transaction to reinstate an end-use customer with a previous certified supplier. This scenario assumes that Duke Energy Ohio has received an enrollment notification from a certified supplier for an end-use customer and that the end-use customer has requested that Duke Energy Ohio rescind the request. The Ohio814R is also used for reinstating an active supplier from a pending drop that was sent in error to Duke Energy Ohio by the certified supplier. The certified supplier who originally sent the 814D may submit an 814R to rescind the 814D.
- Ohio814 Response
An Ohio814 Response is used to notify a certified supplier of Duke Energy Ohio's acceptance or rejection of an enrollment request, which includes notice of effective date, plus code of reason for rejection.
- Ohio867 Meter Data
When historical usage data is requested, it will be sent by Duke Energy Ohio using the historical usage transaction. The Ohio867 transaction is used to transmit end-use customer usage information as captured from the meter for 12 months of history and for ongoing monthly metered data. It is also used to transmit unmetered usage for non-metered accounts.
- Ohio997 Functional Acknowledgement
This notice will be sent to the certified supplier confirming acceptance or rejection by Duke Energy Ohio's EDI translator. The EDI translator automatically reviews the EDI Transaction for valid syntax and Trading Partner ID number.
- Ohio810 End-Use Customer Invoice
The transaction is used to ensure the proper sharing of billing and consumption information. The Ohio810 transaction is used to transmit monthly usage and the amount that Duke Energy Ohio billed end-use customer on behalf of the supplier under rate ready billing.
- Ohio820 Payment Order / Remittance Advice
The Ohio820 is used to remit end-use customer payments received by Duke Energy Ohio on the supplier's behalf or for Duke Energy Ohio to remit payments to a certified supplier in a purchase of receivables arrangement. Payment is made consistent with the current trading partner banking arrangements. Upon receipt of end-use customer payment, Duke Energy Ohio sends the certified supplier its portion of the payment.
- Ohio824 Application Advice
This is used to notify the certified supplier of errors in the Ohio810, Ohio820, and Ohio867
- Ohio248 Account Assignment/Inquiry and Service/Status (write-off)
This is used to provide notification to the certified supplier (nonbilling party) from Duke Energy Ohio (billing party) that Duke Energy Ohio will no longer pursue remittance for the certified supplier's charges.
Detailed information on Ohio guidelines and transaction sets can be found in Appendix C: Detailed EDI Information or obtained by emailing to or calling the Duke Energy Ohio Certified Supplier Business Center at 513.287.2322.
Establishing EDI Communication With Duke Energy
The certified supplier should begin to establish EDI capability with Duke Energy Ohio by contacting the Duke Energy Ohio Certified Supplier Business center at or calling 1.513.287.2322. The Duke Energy Certified Supplier Business Center will provide assistance with:
- Understanding the requirements associated with establishing EDI communications with Duke Energy Ohio.
- Completing the EDI Trading Partner Agreement included in this guidebook's Appendix E: Registration and Participation Forms.
- Compiling the required electronic data interchange control information for EDI testing and processing.
A certified supplier currently without EDI capability must designate an EDI service provider by:
- Requesting set-up to become an EDI Trading Partner with Duke Energy Ohio.
- Outsourcing EDI capability through a third-party service provider.
Testing Electronic Communications
Duke Energy Ohio will conduct a broad array of connectivity and compatibility tests with each certified supplier in advance of the production use of the EDI transactions to ensure the functionality of the electronic infrastructure as well as to confirm the communication channels. The scope of these tests includes the EDI business transactions that the certified supplier and Duke Energy Ohio anticipate using. Certified suppliers are encouraged to contact Duke Energy Ohio as soon as possible to arrange for testing as scheduling demands and conflicts may result in delays. Prior to contacting Duke Energy Ohio to initiate testing, the certified supplier should thoroughly review this guidebook to understand the EDI requirements. Duke Energy Ohio expects the certified supplier to use this information to establish its EDI capability and data conformity before testing begins.
In order to assist the certified supplier, Duke Energy Ohio has developed testing transactions and procedures. The testing transactions and procedures are included in Appendix C: Detailed EDI Information.
How to Initiate EDI Capability Testing
Prior to initiating testing, the certified supplier must submit a complete registration packet and registration fee to Duke Energy Ohio. To initiate testing, contact the Duke Energy Ohio Certified Supplier Business Center at
Duke Energy/State of Ohio Differences in Standards
Listed below are items that represent differences between Duke Energy Ohio's processes and Ohio state standards:
- The state standard to validate EDI Transactions requires two validation points, end-use customer account number and the first four characters of the customer's last name or business name. Duke Energy Ohio will utilize only one validation point – end-use customer's account number
- The Ohio814 enrollment transaction has a field for the certified supplier to indicate a budget billing dollar amount for the supplier's portion of the bill. Duke Energy Ohio does not support a supplier requested budget billing amount. When customers request budget billing from Duke Energy, the asking amount on Duke Energy bill incorporates a budget billing amount for the certified supplier's portion of the bill.
- Duke Energy Ohio limits the number of rates a certified supplier may assign to an account to one, no matter how many meters the account may have. If a supplier submits multiple rates for the same enrollment or change request, Duke Energy Ohio will select the last rate on the request and use it for the entire account. This will be reflected in the EDI response document sent back to the supplier.
- Duke Energy Ohio will charge certified suppliers a fee for ongoing detailed monthly interval meter data and 12-month detailed data. A supplier who does not want to receive the ongoing detailed interval data and the corresponding charge should request summary data only on the original enrollment transaction or after enrollment via a change transaction.