Grid Safety and Disabilities

Are you ready for the next big storm?
Special Challenges You May Face During a Weather Emergency
Day-to-day life is full of challenges. Some large, some small. While we all face them, our approach and the way we tackle them can be vastly different. For those with disabilities who rely on consistency and accessibility within their homes and communities, unexpected and uncontrollable events may have varying degrees of impact on their routines.
You may live in a coastal area that is subject to severe storms or in a mountainous region where heavy snow can make getting out difficult. Whatever the situation, it is important to think ahead and be prepared with a plan of action that addresses both the outside circumstances and your own unique needs.
Whether you live with a disability or support someone who does, here are six action areas that are vital to staying independent, healthy and safe in the face of unexpected weather or other emergency.
Visit the Duke Energy Storm Center for information to sign up for alerts, more preparation tips and storm safety.