Longleaf Solar

Longleaf Solar Center
Creating a Cleaner Energy Future
At Duke Energy, we believe generating electricity from renewable resources will play an important role in the transition to cleaner energy. That's why we're developing innovative renewable power projects to serve communities and meet the needs of the overall grid.
Project Overview
We’re proposing to develop the Longleaf Solar Center on our property located between New Hill Holleman and Holly Springs New Hill roads in New Hill, N.C. Once operational, the 100-megawatt (MW) facility will consist of approximately 215,000 fixed-tilt solar panels. When the solar facility is operating at peak capacity, it will safely and quietly generate enough carbon-free energy annually to effectively power about 27,900 average-sized homes.
Benefits to the Community
- Create approximately 300 new construction jobs
- Provide 100 MW of clean, renewable energy
- Increase tax revenue for Wake County
- Generate economic benefits to local businesses during construction
- Help improve overall reliability of the electric grid
Operational Features
- Safe, quiet generation
- No air emissions or waste production
- Minimal water needs
- Low visual impact
- No impact on local traffic
- Pollinator-friendly plants
Site Map
View a detailed version of the map.
Project Schedule
This project is in early development and needs to go through an approval process. During construction, approximately 175 vehicles will deliver solar panels by a planned access route to the site. At peak construction, the project will employ approximately 150 workers on-site. Crews will grade the site, dig trenches for cables, drive steel piles into the ground and set equipment in place with heavy equipment. As a result, neighbors may hear construction noise as crews perform this work during daylight hours. We will provide construction notifications to surrounding neighbors and make every reasonable effort to limit the impacts to you.
Proposed Project Schedule
Planning and Development
Construction Estimated to Begin
Estimated Project Completion