Our Commitment to Ethics

Honesty and integrity are at the core of all we do.
The Highest Standards
Conducting Business with
Honesty & Integrity
As one of the most heavily regulated industries in the nation, we strive to maintain trust. Regulators, elected officials, community leaders, customers, suppliers, competitors, investors, the news media and advocacy groups all pay close attention to what we do and how we do it. To maintain their confidence, we are committed to a culture of transparency, high performance and pride among employees.
Behaviors, as well as results, matter in our company. We remain committed to doing the right things – big and small – every day.
The Highest Standards for Everyone
Our Ethics and Compliance Program is designed to foster a culture of ethical and compliant behavior. The Audit Committee of the board of directors exercises oversight with respect to the implementation and effectiveness of the program. Senior management promotes a culture that encourages ethical conduct and compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations. The chief ethics officer and the chief compliance officer are responsible for the program’s effectiveness for preventing, detecting and responding to illegal or unethical conduct.
A Culture of Accountability
Employees and contingent workers are encouraged to report suspected wrongdoing and may do so anonymously without fear of reprisal through an independent third party, which provides a 24-hour telephone line and an online reporting option. The Audit Committee is apprised of any allegations targeting senior management or complaints of fraud, accounting and internal controls, or auditing matters that relate to the fair and accurate presentation of information in our financial statements. All allegations are investigated to ensure consistent enforcement. When violations are detected, appropriate actions are taken. These measures include disciplinary action and enhanced controls to prevent further offenses.