Remington Substation Expansion and
Transmission Line Relocation
Transmission Investments
Reliability is a responsibility that Duke Energy Ohio takes very seriously. We are dedicated to modernizing, improving and upgrading the electric system to help meet the growing energy needs of our communities. As part of our commitment to provide reliable energy for homes, schools and businesses, Duke Energy is making improvements at the Remington Substation located at 8930 Glendale Milford Road in Hamilton County, Ohio.
View a map of the project.
Project Need
The substation expansion and upgrade will enhance Duke Energy’s operational capability for the community’s growing energy needs, as well as the reliability of the area’s electric service.
Project Description
Construction will involve expanding the substation approximately 10 feet to the northeast of the existing fence, on Duke Energy property, to accommodate the installation of the modernized equipment.
An existing transmission tower will be removed and replaced with two new steel pole structures on concrete foundations. The new poles will be up to 127 feet in height. The concrete foundations will measure up to 9 feet in diameter. An approximate 200-foot section of a 138-kilovolt (kV) transmission line will be relocated from the former transmission tower into the new substation equipment.
Vegetation clearing for the substation expansion is planned for May 2023.
Construction on the substation expansion is expected to begin in July 2023 and construction for the transmission line portion of the project is planned for spring 2024. All construction is expected to be completed by spring 2025.
A notice to construct, operate and maintain this project is approved by the Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB).
A paper copy will be provided upon request. To obtain a paper copy, please call 888.827.5116.
Community Benefits
Provides additional capacity to continue delivering reliable electricity to address the area’s growing energy needs
Provides more flexibility for providing critical energy to communities in the region
Helps improve the company’s operational ability to reroute power during planned and unplanned outages, which can support restoration following extreme weather events
Helps maintain a robust system for supplying and delivering electric service to support continued economic growth for the region