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Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC)

Capacity: 798 megawatts (Winter Peak Capacity)
Location: Knox County, Indiana
Commercial Date: 2013

In November 2007, Duke Energy received approval from the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission to build a cleaner-coal integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) plant at Duke Energy's former 160-megawatt Edwardsport Station in Knox County, Indiana.

The 798-megawatt IGCC facility is one of the cleanest and most efficient coal-fired power plants in the world. It emits less sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and particulates than the plant it replaces – while providing more than 10 times the amount of megawatt-hours.

The Edwardsport IGCC project includes:
  • An activated carbon bed for the absorption of mercury
  • Two heat recovery steam generators, each of which is equipped with selective catalytic reduction for nitrogen oxide control
  • A multiple-cell cooling tower
The project created more than 2,500 construction jobs and began commercial operation in June 2013. The plant uses 1.7 to 1.9 million tons of Indiana and Midwestern coal per year, a boost for local and state economies. The coal use each year supports an estimated 170 mining jobs, and the plant employs an estimated 110 to 120 people.

History of Edwardsport Station

Edwardsport Station's original unit was built in 1918, with three other operating units added between 1944 and 1951. Those three coal units were retired in 2011, and the station was demolished in 2012. However, the site continues to be an important location for electricity generation for our Indiana customers.

View the Edwardsport Station Video

Duke Energy has produced a video that provides an overview of the Edwardsport Station.