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A Look Back

It was on January 14, 1843, that the gaslight era was born in Cincinnati. At the corner of Fourth and Main Streets at a building that was formerly known as the W.H. Harrison Drug store. Townspeople crowded the building and waited with bated breath as a match was struck and applied to the newly designed, gaslight fixture. The crowd broke into cheers with amazement as a nice soft glow illuminated the store. This was done by the original name of the company, The Cincinnati Gas Light & Coke Company. That same street corner is home to Duke Energy’s Regional Headquarters for Ohio and Kentucky operations.

In 1889, the company acquired the Cincinnati Electric Light Company, changing their name to Cincinnati Gas & Electric a decade later in 1901.

Through the years the way the company has produced gas and electric has evolved, as have the names of the company through growing business acquisitions and mergers, from Cinergy, to what we now know as Duke Energy after a merger with Duke Power in 2006.