CCR Rule Compliance
Data & Information
On April 17, 2015, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency published the Hazardous and Solid Waste Management System; Disposal of Coal Combustion Residuals from Electric Utilities final rule in the Federal Register. This rule regulates the disposal of coal combustion residuals (CCR) as a solid waste as part of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) in 40 CFR Parts 257 and 261.This final rule applies to new and existing CCR landfills and CCR surface impoundments, and certain inactive CCR surface impoundments at coal-burning electric utility sites that are still producing electricity as of October 19, 2015. The CCR landfills and CCR surface impoundments in the rule are also referred to as "CCR units."
The rule requires that owners or operators of CCR units governed by the rule:
- Record compliance with these requirements in the operating record
- Notify the state regulators of the availability of certain reports and information
- Maintain a public website with access to compliance information
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We recommend downloading files to your computer or mobile device instead of opening online.
Active Ash Basin
Retired Ash Basin
Retired Ash Basin (RAB) Landfill
- We recommend downloading files to your computer or mobile device instead of opening online.
1964 Ash Basin
1982 Ash Basin
Industrial Landfill
Document Name Category Release Date The CCR rule does not apply to this site. Not applicable. Not applicable. - We recommend downloading files to your computer or mobile device instead of opening online.
Active Ash Basin
Craig Road Landfill
FGD Landfill
- We recommend downloading files to your computer or mobile device instead of opening online.
Additional Primary Pond (Ash Basin 1)
Primary Pond (Ash Basin 2)
Secondary Pond (Ash Basin 3)
We recommend downloading files to your computer or mobile device instead of opening online.
1985 Ash Basin
Document Name Category Release Date Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report 2024
Operating Criteria 12/03/2024 Fugitive Dust Control Plan Operating Criteria 11/12/2024 Applicability Report for Cape Fear Basins Legacy CCR Surface Impoundments 11/12/2024
1978 Ash Basin
Document Name Category Release Date Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report 2024
Operating Criteria 12/03/2024 Fugitive Dust Control Plan Operating Criteria 11/12/2024 Applicability Report for Cape Fear Basins Legacy CCR Surface Impoundments 11/12/2024
1970 Ash Basin
Document Name Category Release Date Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report 2024
Operating Criteria 12/03/2024 Fugitive Dust Control Plan Operating Criteria 11/12/2024 Applicability Report for Cape Fear Basins Legacy CCR Surface Impoundments 11/12/2024 1963 Ash Basin
Document Name Category Release Date Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report 2024
Operating Criteria 12/03/2024 Operating Criteria 11/12/2024
Applicability Report for Cape Fear Basins
Legacy CCR Surface Impoundments
11/12/2024 - We recommend downloading files to your computer or mobile device instead of opening online.
Cayuga Landfill
Lined Ash Disposal Area
Primary Ash Settling Pond
Secondary Ash Settling Pond
We recommend downloading files to your computer or mobile device instead of opening online.
Ash Storage/Disposal Area Landfill
Document Name
Category Release Date Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report 2024
Operating Criteria 12/03/2024 Annual Landfill Inspection Report 2024
Operating Criteria
Fugitive Dust Control Plan
Operating Criteria
Notice of Groundwater Protection Standard Exceedance
Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action 09/03/2024 Fugitive Dust Control Plan
Operating Criteria 03/28/2024 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report 2023
Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action 02/20/2024 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report 2023
Operating Criteria 12/06/2023 Annual Landfill Inspection Report
Operating Criteria 11/21/2023 Notice of Final Agency Action - Permit Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action
Notice of Intent to Issue - Permit Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action
Final Remedy Selection Report R1
Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action
05/22/2023 CCR Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report 2022
Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action 02/15/2023 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report 2022
Operating Criteria 11/30/2022 Annual Landfill Inspection Report
Operating Criteria 11/16/2022 CCR Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report 2021
Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action 02/08/2022 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report 2021
Operating Criteria 12/01/2021 Annual Landfill Inspection Report
Operating Criteria 11/17/2021 Five-Year Periodic Assessment Run On and Run Off Control System Plan Operating Criteria 10/05/2021 CCR Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report 2020
Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action 02/12/2021 CCR Rule Remedy Selection Semiannual Progress Report 2020
Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action 01/07/2021 Fugitive Dust Control Report 2020
Operating Criteria 12/02/2020 Annual Landfill Inspection Report Operating Criteria 11/12/2020 CCR Rule Remedy Selection Semiannual Progress Report 2020
Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action 06/26/2020 CCR Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report
Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action 02/20/2020 CCR Rule Remedy Selection Semiannual Progress Report 2019 Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action 01/13/2020 Fugitive Dust Control Report 2019
Operating Criteria 12/03/2019 Annual Landfill Inspection Report Operating Criteria 11/26/2019 Run On and Run Off Control System Plan
Operating Criteria 10/02/2019 CCR Assessment of Corrective Measures Report
Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action 06/27/2019
Notice of Initiation of Assessment of Corrective Measures
Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action 02/19/2019 Notice of Groundwater Protection Standard Exceedance 2018
Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action
Unstable Areas
Location Restriction
Notice of Establishment of an Assessment Monitoring Program
Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action
04/03/2018 Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action
11/06/2017 Groundwater Monitoring System Certification-Crystal River Ash Storage/Disposal Area Landfill
Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action
11/06/2017 Closure and Post Closure Care
Closure and Post Closure Care
Operating Criteria
Primary FGD Blowdown Treatment Pond
Document Name
Release Date
Notice of History of Construction Addendum
Design Criteria 08/18/2022 CCR Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report
Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action 02/20/2020 Certification Statement Completion of Closure by Removal of CCR Materials
Closure and Post Closure Care 01/13/2020 Fugitive Dust Control Report 2019
Operating Criteria 12/03/2019 Periodic Hazard Potential Classification Assessment Certification
Design Criteria 09/24/2019 Emergency Action Plan for Primary and Backup Blowdown Treatment Ponds
Design Criteria
CCR Annual Surface Impoundment Inspection Report 2019
Operating Criteria 07/16/2019 Notice of Intent to Close
Closure and Post Closure Care 07/16/2019 Annual Meeting with Local Emergency Responders 2019
Design Criteria 05/29/2019 CCR Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report 2018
Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action 03/01/2019 Wetlands
Location Restriction
Unstable Areas
Location Restriction 11/07/2018
Seismic Impact Zones
Location Restriction 11/07/2018
Fault Areas
Location Restriction
Placement Above Uppermost Aquifer
Location Restriction 11/07/2018
Design Criteria
CCR Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report
Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action
Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action
Groundwater Monitoring System Certification-Crystal River Primary FGD Blowdown Treatment Pond
Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action
Operating Criteria
Design Criteria
Design Criteria
Design Criteria
Closure and Post Closure Care
Operating Criteria
Design Criteria
Design Criteria
Design Criteria
Backup FGD Blowdown Treatment Pond
Document Name
Notice of History of Construction Addendum
Design Criteria 08/18/2022 CCR Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report
Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action 02/20/2020 Certification Statement Completion of Closure by Removal of CCR Materials
Closure and Post Closure Care 01/13/2020 Fugitive Dust Control Report 2019
Operating Criteria 12/03/2019 Periodic Hazard Potential Classification Assessment Certification
Design Criteria
09/24/2019 Emergency Action Plan for Primary and Backup Blowdown Treatment Ponds
Design Criteria
CCR Annual Surface Impoundment Inspection Report 2019
Operating Criteria 07/16/2019 Notice of Intent to Close
Closure and Post Closure Care 07/16/2019 Annual Meeting with Local Emergency Responders 2019
Design Criteria
05/29/2019 CCR Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report 2018
Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action 03/01/2019 Wetlands
Location Restriction
Unstable Areas
Location Restriction
Seismic Impact Zones
Location Restriction
Location Restriction
Placement Above Uppermost Aquifer
Location Restriction
Annual Meeting with Local Emergency Responders 2018
Design Criteria 06/06/2018 CCR Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report
Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action
Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action
Groundwater Monitoring System Certification-Crystal River Backup FGD Blowdown Treatment Pond
Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action
Operating Criteria
Design Criteria
Design Criteria
Design Criteria
Closure and Post Closure Care
Operating Criteria
Design Criteria
Design Criteria
Design Criteria
We recommend downloading files to your computer or mobile device instead of opening online.
Primary Ash Basin
Secondary Ash Basin
CCP Landfill
We recommend downloading files to your computer or mobile device instead of opening online.
Ash Pond
East Landfill
West Landfill
We recommend downloading files to your computer or mobile device instead of opening online.
Secondary Settling Pond
Ash Pond A
Gallagher Landfill
Primary Pond
We recommend downloading files to your computer or mobile device instead of opening online.
South Settling Basin
East Settling Basin
North Ash Pond
North Settling Basin
South Landfill
We recommend downloading files to your computer or mobile device instead of opening online.
1982 (Active) Ash Basin
We recommend downloading files to your computer or mobile device instead of opening online.
Active Ash Basin
Industrial Landfill #1
We recommend downloading files to your computer or mobile device instead of opening online.
Ash Basin
FGD Forward Flush Pond
FGD Settling Pond
CCP Monofill
FGD Settling Basin (Wastewater Treatment)
We recommend downloading files to your computer or mobile device instead of opening online.
Primary Ash Basin
Document Name Category Release Date Notification of Intent to Certify Closure
Legacy CCR Surface Impoundments 11/12/2024 Secondary Ash Basin
Document Name Category Release Date Notification of Intent to Certify Closure
Legacy CCR Surface Impoundments
We recommend downloading files to your computer or mobile device instead of opening online.
Ash Basin
CCP Landfill
We recommend downloading files to your computer or mobile device instead of opening online.
Active Ash Basin
CCP Landfill
Inactive Units 1 - 4 (Retention Basin)
Inactive Unit 5 Basin
We recommend downloading files to your computer or mobile device instead of opening online.
East Ash Pond
West Ash Basin
West FGD Settling Pond
East FGD Settling Pond
FGD Forward Flush Pond
Industrial Landfill
We recommend downloading files to your computer or mobile device instead of opening online.
1971 Ash Basin
1984 Ash Basin
CCP Landfill
We recommend downloading files to your computer or mobile device instead of opening online.
Ash Pond A
Ash Pond B
Secondary Settling Pond
South Ash Pond
We recommend downloading files to your computer or mobile device instead of opening online.
1979 Ash Basin
We recommend downloading files to your computer or mobile device instead of opening online.
Primary Ash Basin
Secondary Ash Basin