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Customer Segments

Certified supplier customer segments

How Duke Energy defines customer segments.


Residential customers have weather-sensitive end uses (e.g., air conditioning, electric heat) that significantly affect energy consumption. However, since most customers use air conditioning, winter energy consumption was used as the segmentation criterion to represent weather-sensitive heating loads. The segmentation is based upon the customer's maximum monthly winter consumption (kWh). In addition to the segments listed below, there is a default segment for residential (RSO). Customers will be assigned to this default segment when their winter use is unknown.

RS Segment  Design  Winter Month kWh 
Low  <1,190 
High  >=1,190 


The DM class of customers are small (average demand/energy = 4.4 kW/15,000 kWh), relatively homogenous class with no significant weather sensitivity or seasonality. Therefore a single segmentation strategy is utilized:

DM Segment  Design  Annual kWh 
All  Any 


Various segmentation variables and strategies were evaluated for the DS class: seasonal and annual energy consumption, demand and load factor, and customers with demands greater and less than 100 kW. Using peak demand for the 12-month period as a segmentation criterion is based on the practice of installing load data recorders on all customers with demands of 100 kW or greater who choose a certified supplier. Any DS customer that is not known to be 100 kW or more will be included in the low (DS4) profile. This would include customers whose demand is unknown.

DS Segment  Design  Peak kW 
Low  <100 
High  >=100 

Segment summary

Segments utilize Weather Response Functions (WRF), and "static profiles." These segments are as follows:


Residential – RS0, RS5, RS6
Medium commercial/small industrial – DM0
Large commercial/medium industrial – DS4, DS5


Street lights


General service flat load (GSFL) (supplier created)
Traffic light (TL) (supplier created)